Switzerland – Marius Bear: Boys Do Cry

Yes, boys do cry. In our society, most people think that boys should never cry. It does not suit their image and they should always be tough. I love this song because it carries a very important message to break the long-held, erroneous belief our society has. We should assimilate the essence of this song.
Review by Shatabdi Paul
Oh Switzerland. This beautiful entry is contributing to breaking down the stigma of men’s mental health. With a beautifully husky voice, Marius’ first lyric paints a picture of his younger self, tearing up at the unexplained phenomenon of heartbreak. The imagery of a blue young child invokes an ache in my heart, and by the end of the song, I feel deep empathy for grown men: for all those who grow to embody masculine ideals through societal pressure and bury the blue deep inside. Men cry, and that is not only perfectly okay but completely normal. Love it. Love Marius. Love Switzerland.
Review by Kiara L’Herpiniere
Greece – Amanda Georgiadi Tenfjord: Die Together

I can see myself and my life in every line of this song. It reminds us that you can make anything impossible possible for love. The lyrics, tune of this song and the way Amanda Tenfjord sings and acts are just mind blowing Amanda Tenfjord did an excellent job especially in the bridge section. This song has something magical that will win the music lover’s heart.
Review by Shatabdi Paul
Australia – Sheldon Riley – Not The Same

Australia’s entry is playing on the heartstring of ‘not being the same’. The journey from beginning to end of the song took me from a neutral zone to a semi-emotional state. The lyrics were great, a deeply moving story of early neurodivergence diagnosis, but it took a while to feel it through the voice. I really loved the outfit- adorned with a striking black frock and diamond-encrusted veil- they emit a sense of mourning for a sense of self that was never going to be attainable. By the end of the song, the repeated lyric ‘I’m not the same’ caught me, pulled me in, and tipped me into my emotional mind. Solid entry for Ozzie candidate.
Review by Kiara L’Herpiniere